
The Howard County Office of Transportation conducted a Complete Streets corridor study for the segment of Tamar Drive from Flamepool Way to Snowden River Parkway. Based on initial public input, the Office of Transportation developed a draft vision statement for Tamar Drive

Tamar Drive shall provide accessibility to regional roadways for drivers while prioritizing safety and appropriate speeds and facilitating pedestrian, bicycle, and transit as well as motor vehicle travel to Long Reach Village Center, Long Reach High School, Locust Park Neighborhood Center, and other community destinations.

Image Traffic Intersection on Tamar Drive

Feasibility Study 

  • The Feasibility Study was completed in June 2020 and can be found here.
  • The appendices for the June 2020 Feasibility Study can be found here.

Initial Planning

The Office of Transportation held an open-house style community meeting in the Tamar Room of Stonehouse on October 17, 2019 to present concepts developed through the Tamar Drive Complete Streets Study. The following materials were presented at the meeting:

The kickoff meeting, entitled "Envisioning Tamar Drive," was held January 3, 2019 in the Tamar Room at Stonehouse. The following materials were presented at that meeting:

In addition, a survey and questionnaire about transportation preferences and challenges on Tamar Drive garnered over 100 responses, which will guide the development of a vision statement and concept proposals. Click here to view a summary of the input received.

Comments, feedback, or questions are always welcome. Please email transportation@howardcountymd.gov or call (410) 313-4360.




Complete Streets Study

Study Segment

  Flamepool Way to Snowden River Parkway


  • Speed Management
  • On-Street Parking
  • Pedestrian Safety
  • Bicycle Connectivity
  • Vehicle Traffic Flow


  1. Develop a collaborative vision for
    Tamar Drive, in accordance with
    community goals and the guidance
    of PlanHoward, BikeHoward, and WalkHoward.
  2. Identify cost-effective improvements
    consistent with this vision.
  3. Quantify safety, operational, and
    environmental impacts of proposed changes.

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