HIV/AIDS Program
We provide ANONYMOUS and CONFIDENTIAL HIV/AIDS testing, counseling & linkage to care services.
Testing is free and occurs every Friday from 9:30am to 3:00pm (appointment preferred, but walk-ins are welcome).
Call 410-313-1412 for information and clinic availability.

Free At-Home STI Self-Collection Test Kit and At-Home HIV Testing
The Violet Project: Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trich test kits for Maryland residents up to age 26.
Programs & Services
HIV/AIDS Education and Prevention Services
- Health Education Lecture Sessions
- Outreach Program Services – Services focus on outreach to targeted high risk communities or individuals so that they may be referred and/or reconnect to care and treatment services for HIV/ AIDS. Call 410-313-1412 for more information.
- Court appointed classes for people charged with sex offences.
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
In April 2018, the Health Department began offering Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in the Columbia Health Center. If you live in Howard County and want to know if you are a PrEP candidate, call 410-313-7500.
Ryan White B Support Services Program
A support service program providing assistance to qualified consumers in the areas of:
- HOPWA Housing Assistance - Housing opportunities for people with AIDS
- Linkage to Medical Care
- Medical Transportation
- Partner Notification
- Emergency Food Assistance (EFA)
Call 410-313-1412 for more information, or write
Ryan White A - Medical Care & Case Management HIV Services
Howard County individuals living with HIV/AIDS who qualify for Ryan White A Program* services for the indigent/ uninsured may access medical services through two existing programs in Howard County.
These providers are:
Chase Brexton Health Services, Inc.
5500 Knoll North Drive, Suite 370,
Columbia, Maryland 21045
Phone number: 410-884-7831
Fax number: 410-715-3734
Johns Hopkins HIV Team
Howard County Medical Pavilion
10710 Charter Drive, Suite 420
Columbia, Maryland 21044
Phone number: 410-614-3055 or 443-546-1500
*The Ryan White Care Act is the United States' largest federally funded program for people living with HIV/AIDS. The Ryan White Care Act funds programs to improve availability of care for low-income, uninsured and under-insured victims of AIDS and their families. It is also the "payer of last resort," which subsidizes treatment when no other resources are available.
Medical Case Management Services
Howard County Individuals, living with HIV/AIDS, may receive Case Management Services through either Chase Brexton Health Services, or Johns Hopkins Moore Clinic
Chase Bexton
5500 Knoll North Drive, Suite 370
Columbia, Maryland 21045
Phone number: 410-884-7831
Fax number: 410-715-3734.
Johns Hopkins Moore Clinic
10710 Charter Dr., Suite 420
Columbia, MD 21044
Phone number: 410-610-3055
Fax number: 443-546-1515.
HIV Community Support Group
Food and Care For All holds a monthly HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Support Group. Sessions are held every third Saturday of the month from 11 AM-12 PM at the FCFA Food Pantry Conference Room, 10262 Baltimore National Pike, Ellicott City, MD. (Click here to view the flier.)

*If you are part of the Ryan White program, HCHD can offer transportation to the meeting. To find out how, contact 410-313-1412.