Supportive Services for Older Adults Program
The Supportive Services for Older Adults Program provides Case Management and Gap-filling funds for Howard County residents who meet program eligibility requirements. Clients are provided a comprehensive assessment of their individual needs, a case manager to secure and coordinate services, and gap-filling funds to purchase services.
Funding is through State and Federal Grants. This is not an entitlement program and all services are based on availability of funding and eligibility.
For more information or to determine if you qualify, please contact Maryland Access Point (MAP) at 410-313-1234 (voice/relay).

Senior Care Program
Senior Care provides a comprehensive assessment of an individual’s needs, a case manager to secure and coordinate services, and a pool of gap-filling funds to purchase services for clients who meet program eligibility requirements.
What services are provided by this program?
- Screening
- Assessment
- Case Management
- Coordination of Gap-filling services

Supportive Services IIIB
The Supportive Services IIIB program provides short-term case management, assessment, care plan development, and coordination/ monitoring of services to support clients to remain in the community.
What services are provided by this program?
- Screening
- Assessment
- Short-term Case Management
- Referral to Community-based Services
- Limited funding toward the cost of services may be available