The DCRS podcast

Hosted by Director Jackie Scott, of the Department of Community Resources and Services (DCRS), HoCo Community Chat is an entertaining way for DCRS to engage in conversations and provide topical information on how to live your best life!

Use the link below to listen to our current episode. Stay up to date on new episodes by signing up for our newsletter.

HoCo Community Chat graphic for DCRS' new podcast

Episodes in English: Season 2 - June 2024 >


September 2024: A beacon in our county - Howard Community College


We always hear how strong our public school system is in Howard County. And it doesn’t stop there. 

Our community college, known as HCC, is a beacon in the county. What was once a small campus in 1970 now boasts a large footprint and welcomes 22,000 students a year!

This month, guest host Lisa Brusio Coster, DCRS communications manager, talks to the fifth president of Howard Community College, Dr. Daria Willis, and Stephanie Wall, chief of HCC’s Staff and Special Projects. 


August 2024: The focus in on Columbia, our planned community


Director Jackie Scott welcomes Robin Stimson, Columbia Association (CA) Community Engagement Manager, to discuss how CA works to cultivate a unique sense of place, while enhancing the quality of life for all its residents. 


July 2024: Today's library is not your mother's library!


Host Jackie Scott, director, Howard County Dept. of Community Resources & Services (DCRS) talks with Tonya Aikens, president & CEO, Howard County Library System (HCLS). 


June 2024: Youth mental health over summer break


Learn how the community can create a meaningful summer for our youth, especially those who struggle with mental health. Host Jackie Scott chats with Chisha Johnson, founder and executive director, The Jacaranda Center for Family and Youth Development, Inc.; Brawnlyn Patterson, co-chair, Howard County Local Leadership Team; and Kim Eisenreich, administrator, Office of the Local Children’s Board. 

Episodes in English: Season 1 - June 2023 > May 2024


May 2024 - Recognizing our Older Americans and Child Care Providers


Segment One: Celebrating Older Americans Month

May is Older Americans Month – a time to pay a little more attention to those of us over fifty. The theme this year is Powered by Connection, which recognizes the profound impact meaningful relationships and social connections have on our health and well-being. 

One way our Office on Aging and Independence is connecting our older adults is through a virtual employment expo. Director and host Jackie Scott talks with Ann Happ, a consultant to our virtual 50+ Employment Expo, working with our partner the Jewish Council on Aging; and, our administrator of the Office on Aging and Independence Ofelia Ross Ott.

Segment Two: Spotlight on Howard County’s Child Care Providers

National Child Care Provider Appreciation Day is May 10, a day set aside to recognize child care providers, teachers and other educators of young children everywhere. Guests are child care provider Nicole Smith of Nicole’s Fun and Learning Family Child Care; and one of our early childhood program specialists in the Office of Children and Families, Marissa Hill.


April 2024 - Recognize Earth Month and National Healthcare Decisions Day


Segment 1: April is Earth Month 

In this first segment, Jackie Scott, host and DCRS director, kicks off April by honoring Earth Month. She is joined by Tim Lattimer, community sustainability administrator with the Howard County Office of Community Sustainability to talk about the County’s Climate Forward Initiative this Earth Month. The two discuss the impact and of reality climate change. Tune in for ways that we can stay aware and make a difference.  

Segment 2: National Healthcare Decision Day  

Second, host Jackie Scott speaks with Allyson Stanton, a licensed Medical Social Worker and Geriatric Care Manager who partners with our Office of Aging and Independence. The two focus on the importance of National Healthcare Decisions Day on April 16. It exists to inspire, educate and empower the public and provide information about the importance of advance care planning.   


March 2024 - #2 - Recognizing National Women's History Month


In part two of this special two-episode month, Jackie Scott, host and DCRS director honors National Women’s History Month with a remarkable woman. Director Scott interviews Dr. Carlessia Hussein, the former director of the State of Maryland Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities, who is now a health equity consultant and philanthropist at Opportunity and Health for All. Together, they discuss Dr. Hussein’s empowering experience as a successful and impactful woman of color in this country. 


March 2024 #1 - Celebrate National Nutrition Month


In part one of this special two-episode month, Jackie Scott, host and DCRS director, kicks off March by honoring National Nutrition Month. She talks to experts Courtney Harangozo, health and wellness manager for our Office on Aging and Independence (OAI), and Carmen Roberts, registered dietician and OAI partner. Together, the group discusses National Nutrition Month, how we help our residents, and what nutrition looks like.

HoCo Community Chat part two in March will honor Women’s History Month.


February 2024 - Raising awareness of romance scams and honoring Black History Month


Segment 1: Romance Scams and how to look out for them this Valentine’s Day Season. 

In this first segment, Jackie Scott, host and DCRS director, kicks off the podcast to discuss romance scams and their prevalence during the Valentine's Day season with an investigator in the Office of Consumer Protection, Lila Boor, and Andre Lingham, the founder and president of the Center for Elder Justice and Education.  

Segment 2: Celebrating Black History Month and what it means in Howard County. 

In recognition of Black History Month, Director Scott honors the importance of Black History and why it should be celebrated all year round, with guests Bessie Bordenave, president of the Harriet Tubman Foundation of Howard County and Kori Jones, director of Howard County’s Harriet Tubman Cultural Center, part of Howard County Recreation and Parks Department.



January 2024 - Human Trafficking: defining & preventing, and treating survivors


As we enter 2024, host and DCRS Director Jackie Scott is joined by Ashton Petta, manager of the Office of Human Trafficking Prevention; and Eric Kruhm, a lieutenant with the Howard County Police Department Vice and Narcotics Unit, and a member of the Human Trafficking Prevention Coordinating Council. Together, they take on the heavy topic of human trafficking to recognize Human Trafficking Prevention Month, discuss what trafficking looks like today, and address resources available to make our community and country a safer place.


December 2023 - Homelessness does not define the person


Segment 1: Homelessness in Howard County 

As we head into winter, host and DCRS Director Jackie Scott addresses the issue of homelessness.  She is joined by the administrator of the Office of Community Partnerships, Rose Burton; the director of the Howard County Department of Housing and the board chair of the Coalition to End Homelessness, Kelly Cimino; and the executive director of Grassroots Crisis Intervention, and a board member of our Howard County Coalition to End Homelessness, Dr. Marianna Izraelson. Together, they discuss homelessness in our community, state, and country, including Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day on December 21. 


November 2023 - Caregiving & Support and Celebrating Veterans Day


Segment 1: Caregiving and Support in Howard County 

November is National Family Caregivers Month. DCRS Director and host Jackie Scott is Joined by our Office of Aging and Independence Caregiver Support Program Manager Kathy Wehr, and Caregiver Specialist, Dr. Earnestine Thomas. Together the group discusses caregiving in Howard County and how the Caregiver Support Program can help with resources, aid, education, and support.  

Segment 2: Veteran’s Day 

Jackie is joined by our Office of Veterans and Military Families Manager (OVMF), Lisa Terry. The two discuss the veteran and military family experience in our country and county. OVMF offers resources and services as well as events being held through the month of November honoring veterans and military families.  


Late October 2023 - What does it mean to work and live with a disability?


Segment 1: What does it mean to work and live with a disability in our community? 

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month! DCRS Director and host Jackie Scott discusses what it means to work with a disability from both an employee and employer perspective with the co-owner of Anegada Delights, Elizabeth Vanterpool, and her employee, Sam Ottenstein. The three expand on what it means to be in the workforce working and living with a disability. 

Segment 2: Impacts on the community and positive benefits for businesses.  

Jackie ties two more guests into the conversation, the administrator of our Office of Disability Services, Karen Booth; and our Administrator of our American Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordination, Michelle Henry. Together the group discusses the benefits of bringing people with disabilities into the workforce and the opportunities that partnerships with business can bring.


October 2023 - Tackling food insecurity


Segment 1: What is food insecurity and how do we mitigate? 

DCRS' Director Jackie Scott address food insecurity in Howard County with Carrie Ross, director of the Community Action Council’s Food Bank Services; and Kim Eisenreich, the administrator of our Office of the Local Children’s Board. 

Segment 2: What resources are available to those who face food insecurity? 

Director Jackie Scott discusses resources that the Community Action Council and Office of the Local Children’s Board have to offer to the HoCo Community. 


September 2023 - Student behavioral & mental health post-pandemic 


Segment 1: Student behavioral and mental health after the pandemic 

DCRS Director Jackie Scott discusses student behavioral and mental health post pandemic with Tracy Broccolino, president of the Community Action Council of Howard County; and Erin Bonzon, administrator for the DCRS Office of Children and Families.  

Segment 2: Resources for the community and accessing support  

The segment features resources, advice and best practices to keep in mind as the school year begins. Jackie Scott and her guests discuss resources available to the community such as the Early Childhood Advisory Council and Family Support Centers for parents and families.  


August 2023 - Being part of LGBTQIA+ community


Segment 1: Being part of LGBTQIA+ community in Howard County 

DCRS' Director Jackie Scott discusses the LGBTQIA+ experience in our community with Byron MacFarlane, Howard County’s Register of Wills; and Jumel Howard, Howard County chapter president, Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), and the founder of Howard County's first LGBTQIA+ Pride Festival. 

Segment 2: Older adults and LGBTQIA+  

This segment features Ofelia Ross Ott, administrator, Howard County Office on Aging & Independence on how the LGBTQIA+ experience effects older members of our community. 

Segment 3: Resources for LGBTQIA+  

This episode finishes off by discussing resources and new laws that are available to benefit Howard County’s growing LGBTQIA+ community.  


July 2023 - Consumer protection & common scams


Segment 1: Consumer protection & common scams

DCRS' Director Jackie Scott helps us define consumer protection and describe the latest local scams with Ofelia Ross, acting administrator, Office on Aging & Independence; and Tracy Rezvani, administrator of the Office of Consumer Protection (OCP).

Segment 2: The targeting of older adults

This segment features Andre Lingham, retired Howard County police officer and founder of the Center for Elder Justice and Education.


June 2023 - Why podcast are the focus on Aging Outloud


Segment 1: Why podcasting?

DCRS' Director Jackie Scott kicks off HoCo Community Chat, talking about why the podcast was created and her desire for increased engagement with residents. Her guests are Lisa Brusio Coster, DCRS communications manager, and Cris Oviedo, owner, C.O. Communications.

Segment 2: Aging Outloud

The Aging Outloud segment features Ofelia Ross, acting administrator, Office on Aging & Independence, talking with Terri Hansen, Age-Friendly Howard County manager, about ageism and how we can combat it.

HoCo Community Chat en español?

Hosted by Cris Oviedo, HoCo Community Chat en Español mirrors some of the topics of the English version of our podcast by engaging Hispanic residents and partners in conversations about how to live your best life!

HoCo Community Chat en espanol logo

Episodes en español


Agosto 2024 - Chateando Sobre la Comunidad LGBTQ+!


Este mes en HoCo Community Chat conversamos sobre la comunidad LGBTQ+ junto al Dr. Jonathan Montalvo Ramon, enlace del programa Exito Hispano del condado de Howard, y juntos exploramos el significado de cada letra, y la expresión de género más allá del binario.Image removed.

También hablamos de de sobre la intersección de nuestra comunidad latina y la comunidad LGBTQ+, cómo abordar esta conversación con nuestros seres queridos, recursos disponibles y más.


Julio 2024 - Los bibliotecarios son más que libros


Este mes HoCo Community Chat nos abre las puertas de las bibliotecas del condado de Howard contándonos sobre los recursos, clases, y demás herramientas disponibles para nuestra comunidad. También nos trae una invitación abierta para que personas de todas las edades interactuemos con las bibliotecas ya sea visitando una de ellas, o mediante su página de internet, o en las redes sociales, o alquilando sus herramientas. 


Abril 2024 - Celebrando y Cuidando a Nuestro Planeta!


Tema: Celebrando y Cuidando a Nuestro Planeta!

Este mes de Abril HoCo Community Chat en Español celebra a nuestro planeta, junto al Administrador de Sostenibilidad del Condado de Howard, Tim Lattimer. 

Chatea con nosotros sobre el calentamiento global, cómo te afecta a ti y a tu familia, qué puedes hacer en casa para cuidar a nuestro planeta, dónde y cuándo puedes celebrar a nuestra madre Tierra este mes, y mucho más.


Marzo 2024 - Mes de la Historia de la Mujer


Tema: Conociendo a Monica Perez Mills 

En el mes de Marzo HoCo Community Chat en Español celebra el mes de las mujeres conociendo a la primera mujer latina que trabaja en la  oficina del ejecutivo del condado de Howard, la asistente administrativa, Monica Perez Mills. Chatea con nosotras y conoce más a esta Salvadoreña que busca romper límites para nuestra comunidad un paso a la vez.  


October 2023 - Inseguridad Alimenticia


Tema: Inseguridad Alimenticia

1 de cada 6 personas que viven en el condado de Howard sufren de inseguridad alimenticia. Este mes Cris Oviedo y la primera administradora latina de la Oficina de Adultos Mayores del Condado de Howard, Ofelia Ross Ott, nos cuentan qué recursos hay disponibles para personas mayores de 50 años que quieran obtener alimentos y a la vez tomar ventaja de las clases y oportunidades que ofrecen los 6 centros para adultos mayores de nuestro condado.




Septiembre 2023 - Hablando de la Salud Mental de Nuestros Niños y Jóvenes    


Tema: Hablando de la Salud Mental de Nuestros Niños y Jóvenes    

Sabía usted que  uno de los factores determinantes más influyentes para el éxito de una persona es su habilidad de regular y expresar sus emociones correctamente? Este mes en HoCo Community Chat en Español nos enfocamos en la salud mental, qué es, por qué es importante cuidarla, cómo cuidarla, y qué recursos hay disponibles en el condado de Howard, junto a la coordinadora del programa de salud mental para inmigrantes del condado de Howard, Sophie Nabors. 


Agosto 2023 - Estafas y el Centro de Protección al Consumidor


Tema: Estafas y el Centro de Protección al Consumidor

Este mes Cris Oviedo y la investigadora de la oficina de protección del consumidor del condado de Montgomery, Michelle Escobar, nos cuentan sobre las estafas más populares que están afectando a la comunidad latina en la primera mitad del 2023, así como maneras de protegernos, formas de identificar posibles estafas antes de que ocurran, y a quién podemos llamar y acudir en caso de ser estafados. 

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  • Listen to the community chatter! We're available on Buzzsprout and most other platforms where you find your podcasts.
  • Write us at
  • Follow us @hococommunity on Facebook, Instagram, X, Youtube, and Nextdoor
  • Sign up for our HoCo Community Chat newsletter in the link below.

Podcast music written and produced by Joseph Ross, Insta @mrjross325.

Special thanks to the Howard County Recreation & Parks Harriet Tubman Cultural Center for the use of its podcast studio.

To request this in an alternate format, please call 410-313-6313 (voice/relay).


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