About Our Grants

Our Department receives funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and administers those grants to non-profits who work directly with residents of Howard County.  The County receives Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnership (HOME) funds.

Roslyn Rise Ground breaking

Notices, Reports and Plans




Notice Date: July 26, 2024

Howard County Department of Housing and Community Development has hereby submitted an application for $2,961,000 in funding through HUD’s Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program. The funding will provide gap financing in support of the redevelopment of Waverly Winds.

Waverly Winds is part of a 300-unit portfolio known as Community Homes (the “Portfolio”). The Portfolio was developed in the late 1960’s and early 1970s and the sites are nearly identical in appearance, consisting of 2- and 3-story townhomes and 1-bedroom flats. The property is supported by a Housing Assistance Payment (“HAP”) Contract through HUD (Contract Number MD06L000006) and is subject to a HUD Use Agreement with requires 40% of the units to be made affordable to households at 50% area median income (“AMI”), and the remaining units to be restricted to 80% AMI or less. At approximately 50 years of age, the property is functionally obsolete. After extensive consultation with the existing resident community, the community is proposed to be demolished and replaced with new, higher density, multifamily structure.

Waverly Winds currently consists of 62 apartment units. The community is proposed to be redeveloped by replacing the existing structures with 123 units in two new multifamily buildings. The new buildings will include amenity and onsite leasing spaces. In both redevelopments, the affordability and unit types will be preserved, and additional workforce and market rate housing will be added.

Waverly Winds is owned, through an affiliate, by Enterprise Community Development, Inc. (“Enterprise”), a non-profit organization with extensive experience as an owner and developer of affordable housing. Enterprise will continue to own Waverly Winds after redevelopment, and in order to execute the transaction the property will be transferred to new single purpose entities controlled by Enterprise.

Waverly Winds is a “twin” project consisting of two separately financed components. One building, with 55 units (including 28 HAP-assisted units), will be financed primarily with 9% low income housing tax credit (“LIHTC”) equity and is referred to herein as the “9% Project.”

The second building, with 68 units (including 14 HAP-assisted units), will be financed primarily with 4% equity and soft debt from the State of Maryland DHCD, Community Homes Housing Inc., and Howard County, Maryland. The Community Homes HAP Contract will be bifurcated to allow for the project based rental assistance units noted above. As a result of construction cost increases and interest rate hikes, the projects face a funding shortfall for which Howard County wishes to provide Section 108 assistance. Specifically, Section 108 funds will be used to support costs associated with relocation, demolition and remediation, and site preparation.

The Waverly Winds redevelopment is squarely in alignment with the Howard County HUD Consolidated Plan (see Exhibit A for details) and meets the CDBG national objective of “activities benefitting low- and moderate-income persons” (§570.208(a).

Howard County DHCD invites all interested citizens, community groups, agencies and organizations to attend a public meeting where this project will be reviewed.  A copy of the Waverly Winds Section 108 Application is available for review and comment from August 8, 2024 to September 7, 2024 at DHCD's Office and on this webpage.

Public Hearing Date and Location

THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2024, 6:00PM

DHCD Board Meeting

9820 Patuxent Woods Drive, Rm. 211

Columbia, MD 21046

If you plan on testifying, a written copy of your testimony should be provided at the time of the hearing.  If you cannot attend the Hearing but would like to offer testimony, written comments must be directed to Kelly A. Cimino, Director, Howard County Department of Housing and Community Development or to Kim Zanti, Chief, Community Planning and Grants, at the DHCD office address in the notice above. Written comments must be received no later than 5:00 pm on the date of the Hearing and all comments must be received by the end of the thirty (30) day Public Comment Period (September 7, 2024).

Efforts will be made to accommodate the disabled and non-English speaking citizens and a sign language interpreter services will be available upon request with three (3) days advance notice to Quanita Kareem, Compliance Officer, Howard County Department of Housing and Community Development, at 410-313-3386, or email qkareem@howardcountymd.gov.     




Please click below to read the Annual Action Plan.




Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)


To complete the CDBG and HOME program year, the County reports annually on the progress it has made toward its Consolidate Plan goal in the Consolidate Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). The CAPER describes Howard County’s affordable housing and community development activities carried out over the past program year running from July 1st through June 30th each year. The CAPER also provides the community a concise breakdown of the federal funds used for activities that were undertaken during the program year and an evaluation of the County’s progress in carrying out the goals and objectives as stated in the Five Year Consolidated Plan.


Annual Action Plan (AAP)


In accordance with federal requirements for jurisdictions receiving funds from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for housing and community development programs, Howard County has prepared its FFY2022 Annual Action Plan in accordance with its five -year Consolidated Plan for FFY2020-2024.  This Action Plan outlines how the County will use federal resources to address the current housing and community development needs of our low to moderate income population, while remaining aligned with the goals outlined in our Consolidated Plan.

Planning Documents

FFY2020 - FFY2024 Five Year Consolidated Plan

Howard County, MD is a federal entitlement community under the U.S. Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME). In compliance with HUD regulations, the County must prepare a Consolidated Plan, every five years to assess its affordable housing and community development, economic development, and strategic planning needs. The needs and priorities identified in the Consolidated Plan are addresses annually through the Annual Action Plans which present what specific activities the County will accomplish with CDBG, HOME and other funding sources. 

Click here to review the 5-Year Consolidated Plan.


Howard County Updated Citizen Participation Plan Amended April 2020

In accordance with 24 CFR Part 91 of the federal regulations governing the Consolidated and Annual Action Plans and Howard County’s Citizen Participation Plan, notice is hereby given that the Howard County Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is proposing to amend its FFY22 Annual Action Plans. Click here for a copy of the County’s Citizen Participation Plan.




HOME Program Policy Guide

Howard County’s Department of Housing and Community Development staff have created a HOME Investment Partnership Program  Policy and Procedure Guide as mandated by the 2013  HOME Program Rule.  For any questions related to this guide, please email the HOME Specialist, Melissa Barbagallo at mbarbagallo@howardcountymd.gov

Annual Grant Applications

Interested in applying for a grant from the CDBG, HOME or MIHU Fee-In- Lieu programs. Here is a sample of grant applications that the County used for FFY24/ FY25. Applications are due by February 1, 2024 @ 3:30pm 

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