This tier focuses on individuals experiencing significant behavioral health symptoms that affect their functioning at home, school, work, or in the community. Individuals in this tier are starting to see impacts to their daily life and could most likely benefit from professional assessment and care.

What are the signs?
- Frequent presence of anxiety, anger, depression, hopelessness, intrusive thoughts, negative outlook, and/or distraction.
- Sleep difficulty, fatigue, aches and pains.
- Changes in appetite.
- Unexpected changes in weight.
- Using substances such as drugs and alcohol.
- Decreased performance and attendance in school and work activities.
- Difficulties regulating emotions and behavior.
- Continued changes in social activity, such as avoidance or conflict with family, peers, and friends.
Evaluate Symptoms and Access Treatment
Individuals experiencing significant mental health symptoms that affect their functioning at home, school, work, or in the community.
Get Involved
Schedule a mental health assessment with a local mental health provider.
Talk to your child’s school counselor about services and supports available to them during the school day.
Ask your child’s pediatrician for resources and referrals. You can learn more about what questions to ask and what is available through your pediatrician here.

Get in Touch
Contact a Howard County Behavioral Health Navigator. Behavioral Health Navigation connects community members, providers, and families to mental health and substance use resources in the community. To contact a Behavioral Health Navigator, call Kala Jenkins at 410-313-6240 or email kjenkins@howardcountymd.gov. You can also complete a referral form online here.
Contact Maryland Coalition of Families (MCF) to access peer support services that help parents and caregivers with emotional support and service navigation. Learn more about peer support by calling 410-730-8267 or visiting www.mdcoalition.org.
Seek individual, group and/or family mental health services. You can access information about these services and find providers online or using your mobile phone using the Howard County Care App.