Age-Friendly Howard County
Age-Friendly Howard County is an initiative dedicated to creating a supportive community for all ages, offering affordable housing, diverse transportation options, meaningful work and engagement opportunities, inclusivity, respect, clear communication, and programs tailored to the needs of those who live, work, and play in Howard County.
Howard County is proud to announce the release of the Howard County Age-Friendly Five-Year Progress Report. The report showcases the tremendous strides made in implementing key recommendations from the Age-Friendly Howard County Action Plan. Thanks to the collective efforts of community partners and local leaders, more than 120 action items have already been initiated or completed. Read the report and tell a friend about it.

Age-Friendly: Collaborate Listening Session
Is Howard County doing enough to support you and others in aging well? We want to hear from you! Share your thoughts, concerns, and ideas to help shape the Age-Friendly Action Plan. Your voice matters in creating a community that supports everyone—now and for the years to come!

Learn more about Age-Friendly Howard County
2021-2024 Age-Friendly Action Plan
The Action Plan outlines more than 50 Action Items, or recommendations, to bring the County closer to being a more inclusive, accessible, safer, and healthier community for people of all ages. It uses the World Health Organization's 8 Domains of Livability as a guide to examine Howard County's infrastructure, services, communications, and ways of working together.
Age-Friendly Action Plan Survey and Appendices
More details about the Action Plan, including the community survey and implementation details, can be found in the appendices. View the following documents for more:
- 2020 Age-Friendly Community Survey (Appendix I)
- Survey Results (Appendix II)
- Action Item Details and Rationale (Appendix III)
Volunteer Opportunities - Age-Friendly Work Groups
People of all ages are needed to help implement the Age-Friendly Action Plan.
Are you looking for a rewarding volunteer opportunity that will make a difference in your community today and for years to come? Are you retired, working, or in school? Your skills, energy, and passion are needed to make the action steps a reality.
Review the Action Plan and decide which Domain or Action Items match your interests, skills, or knowledge.
To get involved in bringing the action plan to life, contact