Historic Preservation Commission Resources
The Ellicott City and Lawyers Hill Historic Districts are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. They are also local historic districts, allowing the county to protect their architectural integrity and preserve their history for future generations. Visit the Historic Preservation Commission's page for more information on members, meetings and procedures.
Current Agenda
Please visit the Historic Preservation Commission page for the most recent agenda and for information on past meetings:
Historic Preservation Commission page
Meeting Schedule and Application Deadlines
Please visit the Historic Preservation Commission page, under the "Additional Information" section, in the "Meeting Schedule and Application Deadlines" drop down tab for the meeting and application deadline schedule.
Frequently Asked Questions
Application Forms
The Historic Preservation Commission reviews several types of applications, including applications for Certificates of Approval to make exterior alterations to properties within a local historic district, applications for Historic Property Tax Credits and applications for Advisory Comments to properties under going subdivision or site development plans that contain a historic property.
Design Guidelines
Historic District Maps
Demolition Review
Application and Information
The demolition of structures in Howard County requires clearance from Historic Preservation. The application form can be found below. Please fill this form out and return completed, with photographs, to the Department of Planning and Zoning, Resource Conservation Division.
As of July 1, 2015 fees of $50 for outbuildings and $250 for principal use structures will be due in order to receive the completed clearance form.
Historic Property Tax Credit Programs
The County's Historic Property Tax Credit programs provide incentives for property owners to restore or preserve historic properties. Property owners must submit an application and obtain approval from the Historic Preservation Commission before beginning work which qualifies for tax credits.
Applications for pre-approval and final approval can be found in the Historic Preservation Commission Resources section.

Historic Sites Inventory
Howard County maintains a Historic Sites Inventory of over 1,000 architecturally and historically significant properties located throughout the county. Properties listed on the inventory are also eligible for historic tax credits.
The Maryland Historical Trust (MHT) maintains an online database of architectural and archaeological sites and standing structures.
Cemetery Preservation
Please visit the Cemetery Preservation page to learn more about Cemetery Preservation in Howard County, and the Cemetery Preservation Advisory Board (CPAB).
The purpose of the Historic Preservation Plan is to provide guidance and direction for the current and future preservation of Howard County's non-renewable historic and cultural resources, as well as to ensure the County's future plans for growth will protect historic resources in a coordinated, recognized and measured manner. The Historic Preservation Plan was adopted by the County Council in April 2014.
Local Organizations
Learn about local preservation and history organizations